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02View of living room of 2239 Shannon Street an officer's radio lying near the hanging coffee table. | 395679_468780539856059_1354167816_n[1]Robert Sterling "Bobby" Hester, photo taken, a few years before Shannon Street incident, at back lot of North Precinct. |
45Tommy Turner's radio, lives rounds of ammo and blood near the front porch of 2239 Shannon Street | 27Copious amounts of blood saturates the carpet at the front door which leads to the living room. The officer's foot visible in doorway to right marks the entrance into the northeast bedroom where Officer Hester was beaten to death. Hester's body had been placed at front door by suspects in hopes this would slow down police trying to enter house. |
14Remington, model 870, pump shotgun carried by TACT Officer Ray. His blood is plainly visible on the stock. | 13TACT Officer Waton's M-16 rifle. He was the first man through the rear door at Shannon Street and the first one to receive gunfire. |
10Front view of 2239 Shannon Street. The house was deceptively larger than police thought. | 05Memphis Police investigators stand outside 2239 Shannon Street after TACT Unit cleared the house killing all seven suspects. |
18Officers Robert "Bobby" Hester / Ray Schwill's patrol vehicle. | 33View of 2239 Shannon Street from northeast side after the house had been secured. |
11View of 2239 Shannon Street from northwest side. | 07View from kitchen of 2239 Shannon Street looking north into the northeast bedroom where Officer Hester was beaten to death. |
04View of van used by officers as cover during the initial shoot out and the eastern portion of 2239 Shannon Street. | 03David Lee Jordan Sr. 1973 Lincoln still sitting where he parked it in the circular drive of Shannon Elementary School directly across the street from 2239 Shannon Street |
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